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Creative writing

A piece of refined work that showcases my creative writing abilities.

The piece

Describing the colour of various objects to someone who has never seen and therefore has no concept of colour:


The colour of a mango looks how happiness feels. The colours mesh together like the moment cold milk is poured into dark fragrant tea. The lighter colours look how sunshine feels on your back, warm and comforting. The darker patches look how fresh a mint leaf tastes, refreshing and invigorating.


The colour of the ocean is transient and flowing, much like its nature. Rich colours that feel like becoming and cleansing. The ocean’s colours range from milk chocolate to dark chocolate, some are light and sweet while others are heavy and rich. Together these colours swirl together like puffs of smoke from an open fire.


The colour of a strawberry is reminiscent of the feeling of love at first sight. It is captivating and enchanting, making everything else seem dull in comparison. The slight variation of deep to light patches is like the journey one feels when they are in love, with highs and lows, sumptuous dark parts mixed in with lighter spots where the love is tested.

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